BioPAX pathway converted from "PPARA:RXRA heterodimer recruits corepressors" in the Reactome database. LEFT-TO-RIGHT PPARA:RXRA heterodimer recruits corepressors This event has been computationally inferred from an event that has been demonstrated in another species.

The inference is based on the homology mapping from PANTHER. Briefly, reactions for which all involved PhysicalEntities (in input, output and catalyst) have a mapped orthologue/paralogue (for complexes at least 75% of components must have a mapping) are inferred to the other species. High level events are also inferred for these events to allow for easier navigation.

More details and caveats of the event inference in Reactome. For details on PANTHER see also: PPARA:RXRA heterodimer Reactome DB_ID: 9981622 nucleoplasm GENE ONTOLOGY GO:0005654 Peroxisome Proliferator Receptor Element (PPRE) Reactome DB_ID: 422139 Reactome Database ID Release 77 422139 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-422139 2 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome // ChEBI 61120 additional information MI 小姐:0361 1 PPARA PPARA Q95N78 Reactome DB_ID: 9976849 UniProt:Q95N78 PPARA Canis familiaris NCBI Taxonomy 9615 UniProt Q95N78 1 EQUAL 468 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9976849 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-400186 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 1 RXRA RXRA A0A5F4CVF0 Reactome DB_ID: 9969332 UniProt:A0A5F4CVF0 RXRA UniProt A0A5F4CVF0 1 EQUAL 462 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9969332 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-381319 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 1 Reactome Database ID Release 77 9981622 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-400138 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // E2R263 TBL1XR1 TBL1XR1 Reactome DB_ID: 9975314 UniProt:E2R263 TBL1XR1 UniProt E2R263 1 EQUAL 514 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9975314 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-351643 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Converted from EntitySet in Reactome Corepressors of PPARalpha Reactome DB_ID: 9981620 SIN3A SIN3A J9P8L1 Reactome DB_ID: 9981614 UniProt:J9P8L1 SIN3A UniProt J9P8L1 1 EQUAL 1273 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9981614 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome r - cfa - 351657 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // SIN3B SIN3B-1 J9NXS4 Reactome DB_ID: 9981618 UniProt:J9NXS4 SIN3B UniProt J9NXS4 1 EQUAL 1162 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9981618 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-349685 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // HDAC3 HDAC3 E2R792 Reactome DB_ID: 9975324 UniProt:E2R792 HDAC3 UniProt E2R792 1 EQUAL 428 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9975324 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-442464 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // NCOR1 NCOR1 A0A5F4CH93 Reactome DB_ID: 9966673 UniProt:A0A5F4CH93 NCOR1 UniProt A0A5F4CH93 1 EQUAL 2440 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9966673 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-442501 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // NCOR2 NCOR2 F1PQQ7 Reactome DB_ID: 9966677 UniProt:F1PQQ7 NCOR2 UniProt F1PQQ7 1 EQUAL 2525 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9966677 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-442469 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome Database ID Release 77 9981620 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-400207 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // TBL1X TBL1X A0A5F4C329 Reactome DB_ID: 9975310 UniProt:A0A5F4C329 TBL1X UniProt A0A5F4C329 1 EQUAL 577 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9975310 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-351644 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // PPARA: RXRA Corepressor complex Reactome DB_ID: 9981624 1 1 1 1 Reactome Database ID Release 77 9981624 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome r - cfa - 400196 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome Database ID Release 77 9981664 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-400183 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // In the absence of activating ligands of PPAR-alpha, the PPAR-alpha:RXR-alpha heterodimers recruit corepressors NCoR1, NCoR2(SMRT), and histone deacetylases (HDACs) to genes regulated by PPAR-alpha. The corepressors maintain chromatin at the gene in an inactive conformation and prevent expression of the gene. 18288277 Pubmed 2008 Peroxisome proliferator activated receptors and lipoprotein metabolism Kersten, Sander PPAR Res 2008:132960 18292238 Pubmed 2008 A natural polymorphism in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha hinge region attenuates transcription due to defective release of nuclear receptor corepressor from chromatin Liu, MH Li, J Shen, P Husna, B Tai, ES Yong, EL Mol Endocrinol 22:1078-92 11330046 Pubmed 2000 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, coactivators, and downstream targets Qi, C Zhu, Y Reddy, Janardan K Cell Biochem Biophys 32:187-204 16503871 Pubmed 2005 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) and athero-sclerosis Gouni-Berthold, I Krone, W Curr Drug Targets Cardiovasc Haematol Disord 5:513-23 16476485 Pubmed 2006 From molecular action to physiological outputs: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors are nuclear receptors at the crossroads of key cellular functions Feige, JN Gelman, L Michalik, L Desvergne, B Wahli, W Prog Lipid Res 45:120-59 10529898 Pubmed 1999 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors: nuclear control of metabolism Desvergne, B Wahli, W Endocr Rev 20:649-88 inferred from electronic annotation EVIDENCE CODE ECO:0000203