BioPAX pathway converted from "Phosphorylation of PECAM-1 by Fyn or Lyn or c-Src" in the Reactome database. LEFT-TO-RIGHT 2.7.10 Phosphorylation of PECAM-1 by Fyn or Lyn or c-Src This event has been computationally inferred from an event that has been demonstrated in another species.

The inference is based on the homology mapping from PANTHER. Briefly, reactions for which all involved PhysicalEntities (in input, output and catalyst) have a mapped orthologue/paralogue (for complexes at least 75% of components must have a mapping) are inferred to the other species. High level events are also inferred for these events to allow for easier navigation.

More details and caveats of the event inference in Reactome. For details on PANTHER see also: PECAM1 dimer Reactome DB_ID: 9974024 plasma membrane GENE ONTOLOGY GO:0005886 PECAM1 PECAM1 F1PYL8 Reactome DB_ID: 9972505 UniProt:F1PYL8 PECAM1 犬属familiaris NCBI Taxonomy 9615 UniProt F1PYL8 28 EQUAL 738 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9972505 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-114686 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome // 2 Reactome Database ID Release 77 9974024 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-210238 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ATP Adenosine 5'-triphosphate ATP(4-) Reactome DB_ID: 113592 cytosol GENE ONTOLOGY GO:0005829 ATP(4-) [ChEBI:30616] ATP(4-) ATP atp Adenosine 5'-triphosphate ChEBI CHEBI:30616 Reactome Database ID Release 77 113592 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-113592 5 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // COMPOUND C00002 additional information MI 小姐:0361 4 ADP Adenosine 5'-diphosphate ADP(3-) Reactome DB_ID: 29370 ADP(3-) [ChEBI:456216] ADP(3-) ADP 5'-O-[(phosphonatooxy)phosphinato]adenosine ADP trianion ChEBI CHEBI:456216 Reactome Database ID Release 77 29370 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-29370 5 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // COMPOUND C00008 4 p-Y663, Y686-PECAM1二聚体 Reactome DB_ID: 9974032 F1PYL8 phospho-PECAM1 p-Y663,Y686-PECAM1(27-?) Reactome DB_ID: 9974000 663 EQUAL O4'-phospho-L-tyrosine MOD MOD:00048 686 EQUAL 27 EQUAL -1 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9974000 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-210007 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 2 Reactome Database ID Release 77 9974032 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-211539 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ACTIVATION Converted from EntitySet in Reactome Src family tyrosine kinases (SFKs) Reactome DB_ID: 9973697 FYN FYN E2RC09 Reactome DB_ID: 9973691 UniProt:E2RC09 FYN UniProt E2RC09 2 EQUAL 537 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9973691 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-200917 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // LYN LYN A0A5F4C1A0 Reactome DB_ID: 9973695 UniProt:A0A5F4C1A0 LYN UniProt A0A5F4C1A0 2 EQUAL 512 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9973695 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-354251 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // SRC SRC-2 A0A5F4BT17 Reactome DB_ID: 9969174 UniProt:A0A5F4BT17 SRC UniProt A0A5F4BT17 2 EQUAL 536 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9969174 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-191648 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // LCK LCK E2R589 Reactome DB_ID: 9972249 UniProt:E2R589 LCK UniProt E2R589 1 EQUAL 509 EQUAL Reactome Database ID Release 77 9972249 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-167609 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome Database ID Release 77 9973697 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-211064 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // GENE ONTOLOGY GO:0004713 gene ontology term for cellular function MI MI:0355 Same Catalyst Activity Reactome Database ID Release 77 9974033 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome Database ID Release 77 9974035 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-210291 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // PECAM-1 is capable of transmitting information into the cell following its engagement and becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated during the platelet aggregation process. The Src family of tyrosine kinases (more specifically, Src, Lyn, and c-src) has been widely implicated in the phosphorylation of PECAM-1. Conserved tyrosine residues (Tyr663 and Tyr686) within the PECAM-1 cytoplasmic ITIM motif have been shown to become phosphorylated. Tyrosine phosphorylation of PECAM-1 prompts its association with intracellular signal transduction molecules. 9624175 Pubmed 1998 Regulation of mouse PECAM-1 tyrosine phosphorylation by the Src and Csk families of protein-tyrosine kinases Cao, MY Huber, M Beauchemin, N Famiglietti, J Albelda, SM Veillette, A J Biol Chem 273:15765-72 10858437 Pubmed 2000 Collagen, convulxin, and thrombin stimulate aggregation-independent tyrosine phosphorylation of CD31 in platelets. Evidence for the involvement of Src family kinases. Cicmil, M Thomas, JM Sage, T Barry, FA Leduc, M Bon, C Gibbins, JM J Biol Chem 275:27339-47 inferred from electronic annotation EVIDENCE CODE ECO:0000203