BioPAX pathway converted from "Phosphorylation of PLCgamma by PDGFR" in the Reactome database. LEFT-TO-RIGHT 2.7.10 Phosphorylation of PLCgamma by PDGFR The activated PDGF receptor phosphorylates PLCgamma on tyrosine residues 472,771,783 and 1254, activating the enzyme. Authored: Rothfels, K, 2011-08-24 Reviewed: Heldin, CH, 2008-11-23 19:29:34 PDGF:Phospho-PDGF receptor dimer:PLC-gamma ReactomeDB_ID: 186795 plasma membrane GENE ONTOLOGY GO:0005886 PDGF:Phospho-PDGF receptor dimer ReactomeDB_ID: 186811 Converted from EntitySet in Reactome Active PDGF dimers (AA, AB, BB) ReactomeDB_ID: 380760 active PDGF-AA dimer ReactomeDB_ID: 380761 extracellular region GENE ONTOLOGY GO:0005576 Converted from EntitySet in Reactome Active platelet-derived growth factor A chain isoforms ReactomeDB_ID: 381940 PDGFA-1 PDGFA isoform 1 Platelet-derived growth factor, A chain isoform 1 PDGF A-chain Platelet-derived growth factor alpha polypeptide ReactomeDB_ID: 184199 UniProt:P04085-1 PDGFA PDGFA PDGF1 生长因子函数,扮演一个重要的方式e in the regulation of embryonic development, cell proliferation, cell migration, survival and chemotaxis. Potent mitogen for cells of mesenchymal origin. Required for normal lung alveolar septum formation during embryogenesis, normal development of the gastrointestinal tract, normal development of Leydig cells and spermatogenesis. Required for normal oligodendrocyte development and normal myelination in the spinal cord and cerebellum. Plays an important role in wound healing. Signaling is modulated by the formation of heterodimers with PDGFB (By similarity).SUBUNIT Homodimer; antiparallel disulfide-linked dimer. Heterodimer with PDGFB; antiparallel disulfide-linked dimer. The PDGFA homodimer interacts with PDGFRA homodimers, and with heterodimers formed by PDGFRA and PDGFRB. The heterodimer composed of PDGFA and PDGFB interacts with PDGFRA homodimers, and with heterodimers formed by PDGFRA and PDGFRB. Interacts with CSPG4.DOMAIN The long form contains a basic insert which acts as a cell retention signal.SIMILARITY Belongs to the PDGF/VEGF growth factor family. Homo sapiens NCBI Taxonomy 9606 UniProt Isoform P04085-1 87 EQUAL 211 EQUAL ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 184199 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-184199 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome // PDGFA-2 PDGFA isoform 2 Platelet-derived growth factor A chain isoform 2 Active PDGF A-chain isoform 2 ReactomeDB_ID: 380739 UniProt:P04085-2 PDGFA PDGFA PDGF1 生长因子函数,扮演一个重要的方式e in the regulation of embryonic development, cell proliferation, cell migration, survival and chemotaxis. Potent mitogen for cells of mesenchymal origin. Required for normal lung alveolar septum formation during embryogenesis, normal development of the gastrointestinal tract, normal development of Leydig cells and spermatogenesis. Required for normal oligodendrocyte development and normal myelination in the spinal cord and cerebellum. Plays an important role in wound healing. Signaling is modulated by the formation of heterodimers with PDGFB (By similarity).SUBUNIT Homodimer; antiparallel disulfide-linked dimer. Heterodimer with PDGFB; antiparallel disulfide-linked dimer. The PDGFA homodimer interacts with PDGFRA homodimers, and with heterodimers formed by PDGFRA and PDGFRB. The heterodimer composed of PDGFA and PDGFB interacts with PDGFRA homodimers, and with heterodimers formed by PDGFRA and PDGFRB. Interacts with CSPG4.DOMAIN The long form contains a basic insert which acts as a cell retention signal.SIMILARITY Belongs to the PDGF/VEGF growth factor family. UniProt Isoform P04085-2 87 EQUAL 196 EQUAL ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 380739 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-380739 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 381940 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-381940 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 2 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 380761 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-380761 2 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ComplexPortal CPX-1874 additional information MI 小姐:0361 active PDGF-BB dimer ReactomeDB_ID: 184206 Converted from EntitySet in Reactome Processed PDGF-B ReactomeDB_ID: 381935 c-sis PDGFB (82-190) Platelet-derived growth factor, B chain PDGF B-chain Platelet-derived growth factor beta polypeptide PDGF-2 Becaplermin Reactome DB_ID: 184201 UniProt:P01127 PDGFB PDGFB PDGF2 SIS 生长因子函数,扮演一个重要的方式e in the regulation of embryonic development, cell proliferation, cell migration, survival and chemotaxis. Potent mitogen for cells of mesenchymal origin (PubMed:26599395). Required for normal proliferation and recruitment of pericytes and vascular smooth muscle cells in the central nervous system, skin, lung, heart and placenta. Required for normal blood vessel development, and for normal development of kidney glomeruli. Plays an important role in wound healing. Signaling is modulated by the formation of heterodimers with PDGFA (By similarity).SUBUNIT Antiparallel homodimer; disulfide-linked. Antiparallel heterodimer with PDGFA; disulfide-linked. The PDGFB homodimer interacts with PDGFRA and PDGFRB homodimers, and with heterodimers formed by PDGFRA and PDGFRB. The heterodimer composed of PDGFA and PDGFB interacts with PDGFRB homodimers, and with heterodimers formed by PDGFRA and PDGFRB. Interacts with XLKD1 (By similarity). Interacts with LRP1 (PubMed:15053742). Interacts with SORL1 (via the N-terminal ectodomain) (PubMed:15053742, PubMed:16393139).TISSUE SPECIFICITY Expressed at high levels in the heart, brain (sustantia nigra), placenta and fetal kidney. Expressed at moderate levels in the brain (hippocampus), skeletal muscle, kidney and lung.DISEASE A chromosomal aberration involving PDGFB is found in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. Translocation t(17;22)(q22;q13) with PDGFB.PHARMACEUTICAL Available under the name Regranex (Ortho-McNeil). Used to promote healing in diabetic neuropathic foot ulcers.SIMILARITY Belongs to the PDGF/VEGF growth factor family. UniProt P01127 82 EQUAL 190 EQUAL ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 184201 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-184201 2 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // PDGFB(82-241) Platelet-derived growth factor, B chain with retention motif ReactomeDB_ID: 381904 82 EQUAL 241 EQUAL ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 381904 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-381904 2 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 381935 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-381935 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 2 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 184206 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-184206 2 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ComplexPortal CPX-1876 PDGF A/B heterodimer ReactomeDB_ID: 380759 1 1 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 380759 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome r - hsa - 380759 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ComplexPortal CPX-1875 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 380760 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-380760 2 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 1 Converted from EntitySet in Reactome Phospho- PDGF receptor dimer ReactomeDB_ID: 186821 Phospho-alpha receptor homodimer ReactomeDB_ID: 186816 PDGFRA p-11Y-PDGFRA Phospho-alpha PDGF receptor PGDS_HUMAN ReactomeDB_ID: 186806 UniProt:P16234 PDGFRA PDGFRA PDGFR2 RHEPDGFRA 函数酪氨酸受体激酶作为cell-surface receptor for PDGFA, PDGFB and PDGFC and plays an essential role in the regulation of embryonic development, cell proliferation, survival and chemotaxis. Depending on the context, promotes or inhibits cell proliferation and cell migration. Plays an important role in the differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Required for normal skeleton development and cephalic closure during embryonic development. Required for normal development of the mucosa lining the gastrointestinal tract, and for recruitment of mesenchymal cells and normal development of intestinal villi. Plays a role in cell migration and chemotaxis in wound healing. Plays a role in platelet activation, secretion of agonists from platelet granules, and in thrombin-induced platelet aggregation. Binding of its cognate ligands - homodimeric PDGFA, homodimeric PDGFB, heterodimers formed by PDGFA and PDGFB or homodimeric PDGFC -leads to the activation of several signaling cascades; the response depends on the nature of the bound ligand and is modulated by the formation of heterodimers between PDGFRA and PDGFRB. Phosphorylates PIK3R1, PLCG1, and PTPN11. Activation of PLCG1 leads to the production of the cellular signaling molecules diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, mobilization of cytosolic Ca(2+) and the activation of protein kinase C. Phosphorylates PIK3R1, the regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and thereby mediates activation of the AKT1 signaling pathway. Mediates activation of HRAS and of the MAP kinases MAPK1/ERK2 and/or MAPK3/ERK1. Promotes activation of STAT family members STAT1, STAT3 and STAT5A and/or STAT5B. Receptor signaling is down-regulated by protein phosphatases that dephosphorylate the receptor and its down-stream effectors, and by rapid internalization of the activated receptor.ACTIVITY REGULATION Present in an inactive conformation in the absence of bound ligand. Binding of PDGFA and/or PDGFB leads to dimerization and activation by autophosphorylation on tyrosine residues. Inhibited by imatinib, nilotinib and sorafenib.SUBUNIT Interacts with homodimeric PDGFA, PDGFB and PDGFC, and with heterodimers formed by PDGFA and PDGFB. Monomer in the absence of bound ligand. Interaction with dimeric PDGFA, PDGFB and/or PDGFC leads to receptor dimerization, where both PDGFRA homodimers and heterodimers with PDGFRB are observed. Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with SHB (via SH2 domain) (By similarity). Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with SHF (via SH2 domain). Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with SRC (via SH2 domain). Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with PIK3R1. Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with PLCG1 (via SH2 domain). Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with CRK, GRB2 and GRB7.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with human cytomegalovirus/HHV-5 envelope glycoprotein B/gB. Interacts also with the trimeric complex gH-gL-gO.TISSUE SPECIFICITY Detected in platelets (at protein level). Widely expressed. Detected in brain, fibroblasts, smooth muscle, heart, and embryo. Expressed in primary and metastatic colon tumors and in normal colon tissue.PTM N-glycosylated.PTM Ubiquitinated, leading to its internalization and degradation.PTM Autophosphorylated on tyrosine residues upon ligand binding. Autophosphorylation occurs in trans, i.e. one subunit of the dimeric receptor phosphorylates tyrosine residues on the other subunit. Phosphorylation at Tyr-731 and Tyr-742 is important for interaction with PIK3R1. Phosphorylation at Tyr-720 and Tyr-754 is important for interaction with PTPN11. Phosphorylation at Tyr-762 is important for interaction with CRK. Phosphorylation at Tyr-572 and Tyr-574 is important for interaction with SRC and SRC family members. Phosphorylation at Tyr-988 and Tyr-1018 is important for interaction with PLCG1.DISEASE A chromosomal aberration involving PDGFRA is found in some cases of hypereosinophilic syndrome. Interstitial chromosomal deletion del(4)(q12q12) causes the fusion of FIP1L1 and PDGFRA (FIP1L1-PDGFRA). Mutations that cause overexpression and/or constitutive activation of PDGFRA may be a cause of hypereosinophilic syndrome.SIMILARITY Belongs to the protein kinase superfamily. Tyr protein kinase family. CSF-1/PDGF receptor subfamily. UniProt P16234 1018 EQUAL O4'-phospho-L-tyrosine MOD MOD:00048 572 EQUAL 574 EQUAL 720 EQUAL 731 EQUAL 742 EQUAL 754 EQUAL 762 EQUAL 768 EQUAL 988 EQUAL 849 EQUAL 24 EQUAL 1089 EQUAL ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 186806 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-186806 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 2 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 186816 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-186816 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Phospho-alpha-Phospho-beta receptor heterodimer ReactomeDB_ID: 186769 PDGFRB p-12Y-PDGFRB Phospho-beta PDGF receptor PGDR_HUMAN ReactomeDB_ID: 186803 UniProt:P09619 PDGFRB PDGFRB PDGFR PDGFR1 酪氨酸受体激酶作为细胞功能-surface receptor for homodimeric PDGFB and PDGFD and for heterodimers formed by PDGFA and PDGFB, and plays an essential role in the regulation of embryonic development, cell proliferation, survival, differentiation, chemotaxis and migration. Plays an essential role in blood vessel development by promoting proliferation, migration and recruitment of pericytes and smooth muscle cells to endothelial cells. Plays a role in the migration of vascular smooth muscle cells and the formation of neointima at vascular injury sites. Required for normal development of the cardiovascular system. Required for normal recruitment of pericytes (mesangial cells) in the kidney glomerulus, and for normal formation of a branched network of capillaries in kidney glomeruli. Promotes rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton and the formation of membrane ruffles. Binding of its cognate ligands - homodimeric PDGFB, heterodimers formed by PDGFA and PDGFB or homodimeric PDGFD -leads to the activation of several signaling cascades; the response depends on the nature of the bound ligand and is modulated by the formation of heterodimers between PDGFRA and PDGFRB. Phosphorylates PLCG1, PIK3R1, PTPN11, RASA1/GAP, CBL, SHC1 and NCK1. Activation of PLCG1 leads to the production of the cellular signaling molecules diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, mobilization of cytosolic Ca(2+) and the activation of protein kinase C. Phosphorylation of PIK3R1, the regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, leads to the activation of the AKT1 signaling pathway. Phosphorylation of SHC1, or of the C-terminus of PTPN11, creates a binding site for GRB2, resulting in the activation of HRAS, RAF1 and down-stream MAP kinases, including MAPK1/ERK2 and/or MAPK3/ERK1. Promotes phosphorylation and activation of SRC family kinases. Promotes phosphorylation of PDCD6IP/ALIX and STAM. Receptor signaling is down-regulated by protein phosphatases that dephosphorylate the receptor and its down-stream effectors, and by rapid internalization of the activated receptor.ACTIVITY REGULATION Present in an inactive conformation in the absence of bound ligand. Binding of PDGFB and/or PDGFD leads to dimerization and activation by autophosphorylation on tyrosine residues. Inhibited by imatinib.SUBUNIT Interacts with homodimeric PDGFB and PDGFD, and with heterodimers formed by PDGFA and PDGFB. May also interact with homodimeric PDGFC. Monomer in the absence of bound ligand. Interaction with homodimeric PDGFB, heterodimers formed by PDGFA and PDGFB or homodimeric PDGFD, leads to receptor dimerization, where both PDGFRA homodimers and heterodimers with PDGFRB are observed. Interacts with SH2B2/APS. Interacts directly (tyrosine phosphorylated) with SHB. Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with PIK3R1 and RASA1. Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with CBL. Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with SRC and SRC family kinases. Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with PIK3C2B, maybe indirectly. Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with SHC1, GRB7, GRB10 and NCK1. Interaction with GRB2 is mediated by SHC1. Interacts (via C-terminus) with SLC9A3R1.PTM Autophosphorylated on tyrosine residues upon ligand binding. Autophosphorylation occurs in trans, i.e. one subunit of the dimeric receptor phosphorylates tyrosine residues on the other subunit. Phosphorylation at Tyr-579, and to a lesser degree, at Tyr-581, is important for interaction with SRC family kinases. Phosphorylation at Tyr-740 and Tyr-751 is important for interaction with PIK3R1. Phosphorylation at Tyr-751 is important for interaction with NCK1. Phosphorylation at Tyr-771 and Tyr-857 is important for interaction with RASA1/GAP. Phosphorylation at Tyr-857 is important for efficient phosphorylation of PLCG1 and PTPN11, resulting in increased phosphorylation of AKT1, MAPK1/ERK2 and/or MAPK3/ERK1, PDCD6IP/ALIX and STAM, and in increased cell proliferation. Phosphorylation at Tyr-1009 is important for interaction with PTPN11. Phosphorylation at Tyr-1009 and Tyr-1021 is important for interaction with PLCG1. Phosphorylation at Tyr-1021 is important for interaction with CBL; PLCG1 and CBL compete for the same binding site. Dephosphorylated by PTPRJ at Tyr-751, Tyr-857, Tyr-1009 and Tyr-1021. Dephosphorylated by PTPN2 at Tyr-579 and Tyr-1021.PTM N-glycosylated.PTM Ubiquitinated. After autophosphorylation, the receptor is polyubiquitinated, leading to its degradation.DISEASE A chromosomal aberration involving PDGFRB is found in a form of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML). Translocation t(5;12)(q33;p13) with EVT6/TEL. It is characterized by abnormal clonal myeloid proliferation and by progression to acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).SIMILARITY Belongs to the protein kinase superfamily. Tyr protein kinase family. CSF-1/PDGF receptor subfamily. UniProt P09619 1009 EQUAL 1021 EQUAL 579 EQUAL 581 EQUAL 716 EQUAL 740 EQUAL 751 EQUAL 763 EQUAL 771 EQUAL 775 EQUAL 778 EQUAL 857 EQUAL 33 EQUAL 1106 EQUAL ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 186803 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-186803 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 1 1 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 186769 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-186769 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Phospho-beta receptor homodimer ReactomeDB_ID: 186805 2 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 186805 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-186805 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 186821 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-186821 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 1 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 186811 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-186811 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 1 PLC1 PLCG1 Phospholipase C gamma 1 ReactomeDB_ID: 167682 UniProt:P19174 PLCG1 PLCG1 PLC1 FUNCTION Mediates the production of the second messenger molecules diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3). Plays an important role in the regulation of intracellular signaling cascades. Becomes activated in response to ligand-mediated activation of receptor-type tyrosine kinases, such as PDGFRA, PDGFRB, EGFR, FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 and FGFR4 (By similarity). Plays a role in actin reorganization and cell migration (PubMed:17229814).ACTIVITY REGULATION Activated by phosphorylation on tyrosine residues.SUBUNIT Interacts with AGAP2 via its SH3 domain. Interacts (via SH2 domain) with RET. Interacts with FLT1 (tyrosine-phosphorylated) (By similarity). Interacts (via SH2 domain) with FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 and FGFR4 (phosphorylated). Interacts with LAT (phosphorylated) upon TCR activation. Interacts (via SH3 domain) with the Pro-rich domain of TNK1. Associates with BLNK, VAV1, GRB2 and NCK1 in a B-cell antigen receptor-dependent fashion. Interacts with CBLB in activated T-cells; which inhibits phosphorylation. Interacts with SHB. Interacts (via SH3 domain) with the Arg/Gly-rich-flanked Pro-rich domains of KHDRBS1/SAM68. This interaction is selectively regulated by arginine methylation of KHDRBS1/SAM68. Interacts with INPP5D/SHIP1, THEMIS and CLNK (By similarity). Interacts with AXL, FLT4 and KIT. Interacts with RALGPS1. Interacts (via the SH2 domains) with VIL1 (phosphorylated at C-terminus tyrosine phosphorylation sites). Interacts (via SH2 domain) with PDGFRA and PDGFRB (tyrosine phosphorylated). Interacts with PIP5K1C (By similarity). Interacts with NTRK1 and NTRK2 (phosphorylated upon ligand-binding). Interacts with SYK; activates PLCG1. Interacts with GRB2, LAT and THEMIS upon TCR activation in thymocytes (By similarity). Interacts with TESPA1; the association is increased with prolonged stimulation of the TCR and may facilitate the assembly of the LAT signalosome.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts (via SH3 domain) with HEV ORF3 protein.DOMAIN The SH3 domain mediates interaction with CLNK (By similarity). The SH3 domain also mediates interaction with RALGPS1 (PubMed:10747847).PTM Tyrosine phosphorylated in response to signaling via activated FLT3, KIT and PDGFRA (By similarity). Tyrosine phosphorylated by activated FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 and FGFR4. Tyrosine phosphorylated by activated FLT1 and KDR. Tyrosine phosphorylated by activated PDGFRB. The receptor-mediated activation of PLCG1 involves its phosphorylation by tyrosine kinases, in response to ligation of a variety of growth factor receptors and immune system receptors. For instance, SYK phosphorylates and activates PLCG1 in response to ligation of the B-cell receptor. May be dephosphorylated by PTPRJ. Phosphorylated by ITK and TXK on Tyr-783 upon TCR activation in T-cells.PTM Ubiquitinated by CBLB in activated T-cells. UniProt P19174 2 EQUAL 1290 EQUAL ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 167682 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-167682 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 1 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 186795 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-186795 2 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ATP Adenosine 5'-triphosphate ATP(4-) ReactomeDB_ID: 113592 cytosol GENE ONTOLOGY GO:0005829 ATP(4-) [ChEBI:30616] ATP(4-) ATP atp Adenosine 5'-triphosphate ChEBI CHEBI:30616 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 113592 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-113592 5 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // COMPOUND C00002 4 ADP Adenosine 5'-diphosphate ADP(3-) ReactomeDB_ID: 29370 ADP(3-) [ChEBI:456216] ADP(3-) ADP 5'-O-[(phosphonatooxy)phosphinato]adenosine ADP trianion ChEBI CHEBI:456216 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 29370 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-29370 5 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // COMPOUND C00008 4 PDGF:p-PDGFR dimer:p-PLCgamma ReactomeDB_ID: 1524184 1 p-PLCG1 p-4Y-PLCG1 p-Y1253,Y472,Y771,Y783-PLCG1 p-Y472,771,783,1253-PLCG1 p4Y-PLCG1 Phospho-Phospholipase C gamma 1 Phospho-PLC gamma 1 ReactomeDB_ID: 167679 472 EQUAL 771 EQUAL 783 EQUAL 1253 EQUAL 2 EQUAL 1290 EQUAL ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 167679 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-167679 2 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 1 ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 1524184 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-1524184 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ACTIVATION GENE ONTOLOGY GO:0004713 gene ontology term for cellular function MI MI:0355 Same Catalyst Activity ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 1524188 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // ReactomeDatabase ID Release 77 1524186 数据库标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-1524186 2 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用这个URL连接到the web page of this instance in Reactome: // 2472219 Pubmed 1989 Phospholipase C-gamma is a substrate for the PDGF and EGF receptor protein-tyrosine kinases in vivo and in vitro Meisenhelder, J Suh, PG Rhee, SG Hunter, Tony Cell 57:1109-22 10579907 Pubmed 1999 Phospholipase C-gamma as a signal-transducing element Carpenter, G Ji, Q Exp Cell Res 253:15-24