BioPAX pathway converted from "Btn-ACACA:2Mn2+ polymer carboxylates Ac-CoA to form Mal-CoA" in the Reactome database. LEFT-TO-RIGHT Formation of Malonyl-CoA from Acetyl-CoA Btn-ACACA:2Mn2+ polymer carboxylates Ac-CoA to form Mal-CoA This event has been computationally inferred from an event that has been demonstrated in another species.

The inference is based on the homology mapping from PANTHER. Briefly, reactions for which all involved PhysicalEntities (in input, output and catalyst) have a mapped orthologue/paralogue (for complexes at least 75% of components must have a mapping) are inferred to the other species. High level events are also inferred for these events to allow for easier navigation.

More details and caveats of the event inference in Reactome. For details on PANTHER see also: Ac-CoA Acetyl coenzyme A acetyl-CoA Reactome DB_ID: 76183 cytosol GENE ONTOLOGY GO:0005829 acetyl-CoA [ChEBI:15351] acetyl-CoA ChEBI CHEBI:15351 Reactome Database ID Release 77 76183 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome r - - 76183 3 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome // COMPOUND C00024 additional information MI 小姐:0361 HCO3- bicarbonate hydrogencarbonate acid carbonate Reactome DB_ID: 111627 hydrogencarbonate [ChEBI:17544] hydrogencarbonate ChEBI CHEBI:17544 Reactome Database ID Release 77 111627 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-111627 3 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // COMPOUND C00288 ATP Adenosine 5'-triphosphate ATP(4-) Reactome DB_ID: 113592 ATP(4-) [ChEBI:30616] ATP(4-) ATP atp Adenosine 5'-triphosphate ChEBI CHEBI:30616 Reactome Database ID Release 77 113592 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-113592 5 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // COMPOUND C00002 ADP Adenosine 5'-diphosphate ADP(3-) Reactome DB_ID: 29370 ADP(3-) [ChEBI:456216] ADP(3-) ADP 5'-O-[(phosphonatooxy)phosphinato]adenosine ADP trianion ChEBI CHEBI:456216 Reactome Database ID Release 77 29370 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-29370 5 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // COMPOUND C00008 Pi Orthophosphate hydrogenphosphate Phosphate Inorganic Phosphate Reactome DB_ID: 29372 hydrogenphosphate [ChEBI:43474] hydrogenphosphate hydrogen phosphate phosphate [PO3(OH)](2-) INORGANIC PHOSPHATE GROUP HYDROGENPHOSPHATE离子 HPO4(2-) [P(OH)O3](2-) ChEBI CHEBI:43474 Reactome Database ID Release 77 29372 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-29372 4 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // COMPOUND C00009 Mal-CoA Malonyl coenzyme A malonyl-CoA Reactome DB_ID: 29508 malonyl-CoA [ChEBI:15531] malonyl-CoA ChEBI CHEBI:15531 Reactome Database ID Release 77 29508 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-29508 3 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // COMPOUND C00083 ACTIVATION Btn-ACACA:2Mn2+ polymer Reactome DB_ID: 10707426 Reactome Database ID Release 77 10707426 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-SPO-8876883 1 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // GENE ONTOLOGY GO:0003989 基因本体术语cellular function MI MI:0355 Same Catalyst Activity Reactome Database ID Release 77 10707427 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome Database ID Release 77 10707429 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-SPO-75851 1 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Cytosolic acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACACA) catalyzes the reaction of bicarbonate, ATP, and acetyl-CoA to form malonyl-CoA, ADP, and orthophosphate. The reaction is positively regulated by citrate. The human ACACA cDNA has been cloned (Abu-Elheiga et al. 1995) and the biochemical properties of the human enzyme have recently been described (Cheng et al. 2007; Locke et al. 2008). Four ACACA isoforms generated by alternative splicing have been identified as mRNAs - the protein product of the first has been characterized experimentally. ACACA uses biotin (Btn) and two Mn2+ ions per subunit as cofactors and its activity is increased by polymerisation (Kim et al. 2010, Ingaramo & Beckett 2012). Cytosolic ACACA is thought to maintain regulation of fatty acid synthesis in all tissues but especially lipogenic tissues such as adipose tissue and lactating mammary glands.

Mid1-interacting protein 1 (MID1IP1, aka MIG12, SPOT14R, S14R) plays a role in the regulation of lipogenesis in the liver. It is rapidly upregulated by processes that induce lipogenesis (enhanced glucose metabolism, thyroid hormone administration) (Tsatsos et al. 2008). MID1IP1 forms a heterodimer with thyroid hormone-inducible hepatic protein (THRSP, aka SPOT14, S14), proposed to play the same role in lipogenesis as MID1IP1 (Aipoalani et al. 2010). This complex can polymerise acetyl-CoA carboxylases 1 and 2 (ACACA and B), the first committed enzymes in fatty acid (FA) synthesis. Polymerisation enhances ACACA and ACACB enzyme activities (Kim et al. 2010).
22123817 Pubmed 2012 Selectivity in post-translational biotin addition to five human carboxylases Ingaramo, Maria Beckett, Dorothy J. Biol. Chem. 287:1813-22 17223360 Pubmed 2007 Expression, purification, and characterization of human acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 Kim, KW Yamane, H Zondlo, J Busby, J Wang, M Protein Expr Purif 53:16-23 18556348 Pubmed 2008 Hepatic expression of the SPOT 14 (S14) paralog S14-related (Mid1 interacting protein) is regulated by dietary carbohydrate Tsatsos, Nikolas G Augustin, Lance B Anderson, Grant W Towle, Howard C Mariash, Cary N Endocrinology 149:5155-61 24277613 Pubmed 2013 Spot14/Mig12 heterocomplex sequesters polymerization and restrains catalytic function of human acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 Park, Sungjo Hwang, In-Wook Makishima, Yu Perales-Clemente, Ester Kato, Tatsuya Niederländer, Nicolas J Park, Enoch Y Terzic, Andre J. Mol. Recognit. 26:679-88 20457939 Pubmed 2010 Induced polymerization of mammalian acetyl-CoA carboxylase by MIG12 provides a tertiary level of regulation of fatty acid synthesis Kim, Chai-Wan 月亮,丫 Park, Sahng Wook Cheng, D Kwon, Hyock Joo Horton, JD Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107:9626-31 10677481 Pubmed 2000 The subcellular localization of acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 Brinkley, WR Zhong, L Woldegiorgis, G Wakil, SJ Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97:1444-9 20233797 Pubmed 2010 Overlapping roles of the glucose-responsive genes, S14 and S14R, in hepatic lipogenesis Aipoalani,吊杆L O'Callaghan, Brennon L Mashek, Douglas G Mariash, Cary N Towle, Howard C Endocrinology 151:2071-7 9099716 Pubmed 1997 Human acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2. Molecular cloning, characterization, chromosomal mapping, and evidence for two isoforms. Abu-Elheiga, L Almarza-Ortega, DB Baldini, A Wakil, SJ J Biol Chem 272:10669-77 inferred from electronic annotation EVIDENCE CODE ECO:0000203 ACTIVATION Reactome Database ID Release 77 539127 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-HSA-539127 1 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // CIT Citrate citric acid Reactome DB_ID: 76190 citric acid [ChEBI:30769] citric acid ChEBI CHEBI:30769 Reactome Database ID Release 77 76190 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-ALL-76190 3 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // COMPOUND C00158