在Reactome数据库中,BioPAX通路由“p52:RELB易位from cytosol to nucleus”转化而来。 p52:RELB从细胞质转位到细胞核 p52:RELB从细胞质转位到细胞核 在26s蛋白酶体处理之后,NFKB2 p52:RELB二聚体从细胞质转位到细胞核,在那里它刺激靶基因的表达(Lin & Karin 2003)。Dectin-1诱导的RELB-p52可触发趋化因子C-C motif趋化因子17 (CCL17)和CCL22的转录,并抑制白介素12B (IL12B)的转录(Gringhuis et al. 2009)。 作者:Garapati, P V, 2014-07-14 评论:Geijtenbeek, Teunis B H, 2014-09-02 编辑:Garapati, P V, 2014-07-14 Reactome DB_ID: 5607699 1 胞质 0005829. p52: RELB(胞质) p52: RELB 反应DB_ID:5607634 1 UniProt: Q00653 NFKB2 NFKB2 LYT10 NFKB2 NF-kappa-B是一种多效转录因子,几乎存在于所有细胞类型中,是一系列信号转导事件的终点,这些信号转导事件由与许多生物过程相关的大量刺激启动,如炎症、免疫、分化、细胞生长、肿瘤发生和凋亡。NF-kappa-B是一个由RELA/p65, RELB, NFKB1/p105, NFKB1/p50, REL和NFKB2/p52组成的同源或异源二聚体复合物。二聚体结合在其目标基因的DNA中的kappa-B位点,单个二聚体对不同的kappa-B位点有不同的偏好,它们可以以不同的亲和力和特异性结合。不同的二聚体组合分别作为转录激活子或抑制子。NF-kappa-B受多种翻译后修饰和亚细胞区隔化机制以及与其他辅助因子或辅助抑制因子的相互作用控制。NF-kappa-B复合物与NF-kappa-B抑制剂(I-kappa-B)家族的成员复合物在细胞质中处于非活性状态。在传统的激活途径中,I-kappa-B在不同激活物的作用下被I-kappa-B激酶(IKKs)磷酸化,随后降解从而释放出活跃的NF-kappa-B复合物并易位到细胞核。在非典型激活途径中,map3k14激活的CHUK/IKKA同源二聚体磷酸化与RelB相关的NFKB2/p100,诱导其对NFKB2/p52的蛋白水解过程,并形成NF-kappa-B RelB-p52复合物。NF-kappa-B异二聚体RelB-p52复合物是一种转录激活物。NF-kappa-B p52-p52同源二聚体是一种转录抑制因子。 NFKB2 appears to have dual functions such as cytoplasmic retention of attached NF-kappa-B proteins by p100 and generation of p52 by a cotranslational processing. The proteasome-mediated process ensures the production of both p52 and p100 and preserves their independent function. p52 binds to the kappa-B consensus sequence 5'-GGRNNYYCC-3', located in the enhancer region of genes involved in immune response and acute phase reactions. p52 and p100 are respectively the minor and major form; the processing of p100 being relatively poor. Isoform p49 is a subunit of the NF-kappa-B protein complex, which stimulates the HIV enhancer in synergy with p65. In concert with RELB, regulates the circadian clock by repressing the transcriptional activator activity of the CLOCK-ARNTL/BMAL1 heterodimer.SUBUNIT Component of the NF-kappa-B RelB-p52 complex. Homodimer; component of the NF-kappa-B p52-p52 complex. Component of the NF-kappa-B p65-p52 complex. Component of the NF-kappa-B p52-c-Rel complex. NFKB2/p52 interacts with NFKBIE. Component of a complex consisting of the NF-kappa-B p50-p50 homodimer and BCL3. Directly interacts with MEN1.DOMAIN The C-terminus of p100 might be involved in cytoplasmic retention, inhibition of DNA-binding by p52 homodimers, and/or transcription activation.DOMAIN The glycine-rich region (GRR) appears to be a critical element in the generation of p52.PTM While translation occurs, the particular unfolded structure after the GRR repeat promotes the generation of p52 making it an acceptable substrate for the proteasome. This process is known as cotranslational processing. The processed form is active and the unprocessed form acts as an inhibitor (I kappa B-like), being able to form cytosolic complexes with NF-kappa B, trapping it in the cytoplasm. Complete folding of the region downstream of the GRR repeat precludes processing.PTM Subsequent to MAP3K14-dependent serine phosphorylation, p100 polyubiquitination occurs then triggering its proteasome-dependent processing.PTM Constitutive processing is tightly suppressed by its C-terminal processing inhibitory domain, named PID, which contains the death domain.DISEASE A chromosomal aberration involving NFKB2 is found in a case of B-cell non Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL). Translocation t(10;14)(q24;q32) with IGHA1. The resulting oncogene is also called Lyt-10C alpha variant.DISEASE A chromosomal aberration involving NFKB2 is found in a cutaneous T-cell leukemia (C-TCL) cell line. This rearrangement produces the p80HT gene which codes for a truncated 80 kDa protein (p80HT).DISEASE In B-cell leukemia (B-CLL) cell line, LB40 and EB308, can be found after heterogeneous chromosomal aberrations, such as internal deletions. Reactome //www.joaskin.com HOMO SAPIENS. NCBI分类法 9606 UniProt Q00653 链坐标 1 平等的 454 平等的 Reactome DB_ID: 5607652 1 UniProt: Q01201 RELB RELB RELB 功能NF-Kappa-B是一种磷酸异步转录因子,其几乎存在于几乎所有细胞类型中,并且涉及许多生物处理,例如炎症,免疫,分化,细胞生长,肿瘤发生和凋亡。NF-kappa-B是一个由RELA/p65, RELB, NFKB1/p105, NFKB1/p50, REL和NFKB2/p52组成的同源或异源二聚体复合物。二聚体结合在其目标基因的DNA中的kappa-B位点,单个二聚体对不同的kappa-B位点有不同的偏好,它们可以以不同的亲和力和特异性结合。不同的二聚体组合分别作为转录激活子或抑制子。NF-kappa-B受多种翻译后修饰和亚细胞区隔化机制以及与其他辅助因子或辅助抑制因子的相互作用控制。NF-kappa-B复合物与NF-kappa-B抑制剂(I-kappa-B)家族的成员复合物在细胞质中处于非活性状态。在传统的激活途径中,I-kappa-B在不同激活物的作用下被I-kappa-B激酶(IKKs)磷酸化,随后降解从而释放出活跃的NF-kappa-B复合物并易位到细胞核。NF-Kappa-B杂二二烯和RelB-P52复合物是转录活化剂。Relb既不与DNA也没有与Rela / P65或Rel。在NFKB2 / P49存在下刺激启动子活性。 As a member of the NUPR1/RELB/IER3 survival pathway, may provide pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with remarkable resistance to cell stress, such as starvation or gemcitabine treatment. Regulates the circadian clock by repressing the transcriptional activator activity of the CLOCK-ARNTL/BMAL1 heterodimer in a CRY1/CRY2 independent manner. Increased repression of the heterodimer is seen in the presence of NFKB2/p52. Is required for both T and B lymphocyte maturation and function (PubMed:26385063).SUBUNIT Component of the NF-kappa-B RelB-p50 complex. Component of the NF-kappa-B RelB-p52 complex. Self-associates; the interaction seems to be transient and may prevent degradation allowing for heterodimer formation with p50 or p52. Interacts with NFKB1/p50, NFKB2/p52 and NFKB2/p100. Interacts with NFKBID. Interacts with ARNTL/BMAL1 and the interaction is enhanced in the presence of CLOCK (By similarity).INDUCTION Up-regulated by mitogens and NUPR1.DOMAIN Both N- and C-terminal domains are required for transcriptional activation.PTM Phosphorylation at 'Thr-103' and 'Ser-573' is followed by proteasomal degradation.CAUTION Was originally thought to inhibit the transcriptional activity of nuclear factor NF-kappa-B. UniProt Q01201 1 平等的 579 平等的 Reactome数据库ID Release 77 5607699 数据库标识符。使用此URL将此实例的网页连接到Reactome:http://www.reacontome.org/cgi-bin/eventbrowser?db=gk_current&id=5607699 Reactome r - hsa - 5607699 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用此URL连接到Reactome中的此实例的网页://www.joaskin.com/cgi-bin/eventbrowser_st_id?ST_ID=R-HSA-5607699.1 反应DB_ID:5607679 1 核浆 0005654 p52: RELB(核浆) p52: RELB Reactome DB_ID: 5607655 1 1 平等的 454 平等的 Reactome DB_ID: 5607656 1 1 平等的 579 平等的 Reactome数据库ID Release 77 5607679 数据库标识符。使用此URL连接到Reactome中的此实例的网页://www.joaskin.com/cgi-bin/eventbrowser?DB=gk_current&ID=5607679 Reactome R-HSA-5607679 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用此URL在反垃圾中连接到此实例的网页:http://www.reacectome.org/cgi-bin/eventbrowser_st_id?st_id=r-hsa -5607679.1 Reactome数据库ID Release 77 5607741. 数据库标识符。使用此URL连接到Reactome中的此实例的网页://www.joaskin.com/cgi-bin/eventbrowser?DB=gk_current&ID=5607741 Reactome R-HSA-5607741 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用此URL连接到Reactome中的此实例的网页://www.joaskin.com/cgi-bin/eventbrowser_st_id?ST_ID=R-HSA-5607741.1 19122653 Pubmed 2009 Dectin-1通过Raf-1和Syk控制非典型的NF-kappaB激活来指导辅助T细胞的分化 克明,Sonja I 窝Dunnen,珀斯 Litjens,Manja. 范德维里斯特,米歇尔 威夫,林 斯文·C·M·布鲁金斯 Geijtenbeek, Teunis B H Nat。Immunol 10:203-13 8921937. Pubmed 1996 P50,P52和Relb蛋白的差分核定位在免疫反应的人体辅助细胞中的原位 Feuillard J Körner,M. 以色列, Vassy,J. Raphael,M. 欧元。j . Immunol 26:2547-51。 12654254. Pubmed 2003 NF-κB在癌症中:标记的目标 林,安宁 卡琳,M Semin。癌症生物13:107-14