从反应数据库中的“PECAM-1和SHP-2”的“相互作用转换的BIoPAX途径。 PECAM-1和SHP-2的互动 PECAM-1和SHP-2的互动 PECAM-1在血小板聚集过程中变为酪氨酸磷酸化;在下游信号事件需要细胞质结构域内的两个串联酪氨酸残基(Y663和Y686)的磷酸化。磷酸化产生蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶SHP-2的对接部位。SHP-2和PECAM-1之间的相互作用取决于整联蛋白介导的血小板/血小板相互作用,并通过磷酸酶的SRC同源性2(SH2)结构域和高度保守的磷酸酶结合基序,包括在细胞质结构域内的磷光染料663和686Pecam-1。 撰写:De Bono,B,Garapati,P v,2008-02-26 12:30:30 审查:Trowsdale,J,J,2008-02-26 12:02:59 反应DB_ID:210007 1 血浆膜 0005886. UNIPROT:P16284 PECAM1 PECAM1 PECAM1 在大多数炎症条件下白细胞颅骨迁移(TEM)需要的功能细胞粘附分子(PubMed:19342684,PubMed:17580308)。Tyr-690在TEM中起着关键作用,并且是有效地贩运PECAM1和横向边界回收隔室(LBRC),并且对于迁移白细胞周围的LBRC膜也是必需的(PubMed:19342684)。反式同性恋相互作用可能在通过细胞连接(Pubmed:27958302)中在内皮细胞 - 细胞粘附中发挥作用。与CD177的异质相互作用起在中性粒细胞的颅骨型迁移中起作用(PubMed:17580308)。通过传递分离信号(Pubmed:12110892),Pecam1的同性全相同的PECAM1防止巨噬细胞介导的巨噬细胞吞咽吞噬细胞症。通过将它们束缚到吞噬细胞来促进巨噬细胞介导的凋亡髓质细胞症;PECAM1介导的分离信号似乎在凋亡白细胞中禁用(PubMed:12110892)。调节Bradykinin受体BDKRB2激活(PubMed:18672896)。在内皮细胞中调节Bradykinin-和Hypermots Chear-诱导的ERK1 / 2激活(PubMed:18672896)。诱导动脉粥样硬化(通过相似性)的易感性.subunit Trans-emodimer(通过Ig样C2型1和Ig样C2型结构域); trans-homodimerization is required for cell-cell interaction (PubMed:26702061, PubMed:27958302). Forms a complex with BDKRB2 and GNAQ (PubMed:18672896). Interacts with BDKRB2 and GNAQ (PubMed:18672896).Interacts with PTPN11; Tyr-713 is critical for PTPN11 recruitment (PubMed:18388311, PubMed:19342684). Interacts with FER (By similarity). Interacts (via Ig-like C2-type domain 6) with CD177; the interaction is Ca(2+)-dependent; the interaction is direct (PubMed:17580308).TISSUE SPECIFICITY Expressed on platelets and leukocytes and is primarily concentrated at the borders between endothelial cells (PubMed:18388311, PubMed:21464369). Expressed in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) (at protein level) (PubMed:19342684, PubMed:17580308). Expressed on neutrophils (at protein level) (PubMed:17580308). Isoform Long predominates in all tissues examined (PubMed:12433657). Isoform Delta12 is detected only in trachea (PubMed:12433657). Isoform Delta14-15 is only detected in lung (PubMed:12433657). Isoform Delta14 is detected in all tissues examined with the strongest expression in heart (PubMed:12433657). Isoform Delta15 is expressed in brain, testis, ovary, cell surface of platelets, human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), Jurkat T-cell leukemia, human erythroleukemia (HEL) and U-937 histiocytic lymphoma cell lines (at protein level) (PubMed:12433657, PubMed:18388311).DOMAIN The Ig-like C2-type domains 2 and 3 contribute to formation of the complex with BDKRB2 and in regulation of its activity.PTM Phosphorylated on Ser and Tyr residues after cellular activation by src kinases (PubMed:21464369, PubMed:9298995, PubMed:19342684, PubMed:18710921). Upon activation, phosphorylated on Ser-729 which probably initiates the dissociation of the membrane-interaction segment (residues 709-729) from the cell membrane allowing the sequential phosphorylation of Tyr-713 and Tyr-690 (PubMed:21464369). Constitutively phosphorylated on Ser-734 in resting platelets (PubMed:21464369). Phosphorylated on tyrosine residues by FER and FES in response to FCER1 activation (By similarity). In endothelial cells Fyn mediates mechanical-force (stretch or pull) induced tyrosine phosphorylation (PubMed:18710921).PTM Palmitoylation by ZDHHC21 is necessary for cell surface expression in endothelial cells and enrichment in membrane rafts. 反应 http://www.reacectome.org. HOMO SAPIENS. NCBI分类学 9606 uniprot. P16284 O4'-磷酸-1-酪氨酸在663 663. 平等的 O4'-磷酸-1-酪氨酸[MOD:00048] O4'-磷酸-1-酪氨酸在686 686. 平等的 链坐标 27. 平等的 -1 平等的 反应DB_ID:162563 1 cytosol. 0005829. UNIPROT:Q06124 PTPN11 PTPN11 PTP2C. shptp2. PTPN11 功能作用于各种受体和细胞质蛋白酪氨酸激酶的下游,参与从细胞表面到核的信号转导(PubMed:10655584,PubMed:18559669,PubMed:18829466,PubMed:26742426,PubMed:28074573)。积极调节MAPK信号转导途径(PUBMED:28074573)。去磷酸盐GAB1,ARHGAP35和EGFR(PUBMED:28074573)。去磷酸盐在'tyr-722'的Rock2导致刺激其RhoA结合活动(PubMed:18559669)。去磷酸盐CDC73(PUBMED:26742426)。在酪氨酸残基上的去磷酸盐酸盐SOX9,导致灭活SOX9并促进骨化(按照相似性).subunit与磷酸化的石灰和Bcar3相互作用。与SHB和INPP5D / SHIP1(按照相似性)进行交互。与Milr1(酪氨酸磷酸化)相互作用。与FLT1(酪氨酸磷酸化),FLT3(酪氨酸磷酸化),FLT4(酪氨酸磷酸化),试剂盒和GRB2相互作用。与PDGFRA(酪氨酸磷酸化)相互作用。 Interacts (via SH2 domain) with TEK/TIE2 (tyrosine phosphorylated) (By similarity). Interacts with PTPNS1 and CD84. Interacts with phosphorylated SIT1 and MPZL1. Interacts with FCRL4, FCRL6 and ANKHD1. Interacts with KIR2DL1; the interaction is enhanced by ARRB2. Interacts with GAB2. Interacts with TERT; the interaction retains TERT in the nucleus. Interacts with PECAM1 and FER. Interacts with EPHA2 (activated); participates in PTK2/FAK1 dephosphorylation in EPHA2 downstream signaling. Interacts with ROS1; mediates PTPN11 phosphorylation. Interacts with PDGFRB (tyrosine phosphorylated); this interaction increases the PTPN11 phosphatase activity. Interacts with GAREM1 isoform 1 (tyrosine phosphorylated); the interaction increases MAPK/ERK activity and does not affect the GRB2/SOS complex formation. Interacts with CDC73 (PubMed:26742426). Interacts with CEACAM1 (via cytoplasmic domain); this interaction depends on the monomer/dimer equilibrium and is phosphorylation-dependent (By similarity). Interacts with MPIG6B (via ITIM motif) (PubMed:23112346). Interacts with SIGLEC10 (By similarity). Interacts with FCRL3 (via phosphorylated ITIM motifs) (PubMed:11162587, PubMed:19843936).TISSUE SPECIFICITY Widely expressed, with highest levels in heart, brain, and skeletal muscle.DOMAIN The SH2 domains repress phosphatase activity. Binding of these domains to phosphotyrosine-containing proteins relieves this auto-inhibition, possibly by inducing a conformational change in the enzyme.PTM Phosphorylated on Tyr-542 and Tyr-580 upon receptor protein tyrosine kinase activation; which creates a binding site for GRB2 and other SH2-containing proteins. Phosphorylated upon activation of the receptor-type kinase FLT3. Phosphorylated upon activation of the receptor-type kinase PDGFRA (By similarity). Phosphorylated by activated PDGFRB.SIMILARITY Belongs to the protein-tyrosine phosphatase family. Non-receptor class 2 subfamily. uniprot. Q06124 1 平等的 597. 平等的 反应DB_ID:210219 1 PECAM-1:SHP-2复合物[浆液膜] PECAM-1:SHP-2复合体 反应DB_ID:210007 1 O4'-磷酸-1-酪氨酸在663 663. 平等的 O4'-磷酸-1-酪氨酸在686 686. 平等的 27. 平等的 -1 平等的 反应DB_ID:162563 1 1 平等的 597. 平等的 反应数据库ID版本77 210219. 数据库标识符。使用此URL将此实例的网页连接到反乐中:http://www.reacontome.org/cgi-bin/eventbrowser?db=gk_current&id=210219 反应 R-HSA-210219 1 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL在反垃圾中连接到此实例的网页:http://www.reacontome.org/cgi-bin/eventbrowser_st_id?st_id=r-hsa-210219.1 反应数据库ID版本77 210294 数据库标识符。使用此URL将此实例的Web页面连接到Reactome:http://www.reacontome.org/cgi-bin/eventbrowser?db=gk_current&id = 210294 反应 R-HSA-210294 1 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL在反弹中连接到此实例的网页:http://www.reacontome.org/cgi-bin/eventbrowser_st_id?st_id=r-hsa-210294.1 9054388 PubMed. 1997年 蛋白质 - 酪氨酸磷酸酶SHP-2结合血小板/内皮细胞粘附分子-1(PECAM-1)并在血小板聚集期间形成不同的信号络合物。PECAM-1-和整合蛋白介导的蜂窝信号传导的机械链路的证据。 杰克逊,德 王,r 纽曼,PJ. J Biol Chem 272:6986-93