在Reactome数据库中,BioPAX通路从“Drosophila NICD traffics to nucleus”转换。 果蝇的NICD传输到细胞核 果蝇的NICD传输到细胞核 NICD易位到细胞核,并与CSL(人RBPJ即CBF1/蝇无毛/虫Lag1) dna结合蛋白和Mastermind共激活剂组装成一个三元复合物。该复合物激活下游基因靶点的转录,如HES(多毛/分裂增强子)和hest相关基因(HRT,也称为CHF, HEY, HESR, gridlock)。 作者:Jassal, B, 2005-01-10 12:51:46 引用本文:杨建平,王志强,王志强 编辑:Orlic-Milacic, M, 2013-05-28 Reactome DB_ID: 177092 1 胞质 0005829 UniProt: P07207 N N CG3936 N 功能在许多发育过程中起主要作用的必要信号蛋白(PubMed:3935325)。作为膜结合配体Delta和Serrate的受体,调节细胞命运的确定(PubMed:10935637, PubMed:15620650, PubMed:12909620, PubMed:18243100)。当配体激活并从细胞膜释放时,Notch细胞内结构域(NICD)与Su(H)(无毛抑制因子)形成转录激活复合物,并激活E(spl)复合物的基因(PubMed:7671825)。通过侧抑制或诱导调控卵子发生、外胚层分化、中枢和周围神经系统、眼睛、翼盘、肌肉和触角、腿等节段性附体的发育(PubMed:11719214, PubMed:12369105, PubMed:3935325)。通过调节bHLH-O蛋白,调节神经母细胞的自我更新、识别和增殖;在幼虫大脑中,通过抑制erm表达和pnt参与II型神经母细胞自我更新和身份的维持;可能还通过激活转录调控因子Su(H)来调控dpn的表达(PubMed:27151950, PubMed:28899667, PubMed:20152183, PubMed:18342578, PubMed:23056424, PubMed:21262215)。亚基Homomer。激活时与Su(H)相互作用。通过ANK重复与Dx交互。通过EGF重复和Dl EGF重复与Dl相互作用。 Interacts with Nedd4 and Su(dx). Interacts with O-fut1; the interaction glycosylates N and transports N to early endosomes. Interacts with Akap200; the interaction stabilizes N/Notch protein levels by preventing Cbl-mediated ubiquitination and subsequent lysosomal degradation of N/Notch (PubMed:29309414).DOMAIN Crystal structure of the ANK repeat domain shows that there are 7 repeats and the stabilizing C-terminal repeat enhances the protein stability by extending the ankyrin domain.PTM Upon binding its ligands such as Delta or Serrate, it is cleaved (S2 cleavage) in its extracellular domain, close to the transmembrane domain. S2 cleavage is probably mediated by Kuz. It is then cleaved (S3 cleavage) downstream of its transmembrane domain, releasing it from the cell membrane. S3 cleavage requires Psn.PTM O-glycosylated (PubMed:27268051). Three forms of O-glycosylation (O-fucosylation, O-glucosylation and O-GlcNAcylation) are detected (PubMed:27268051). O-fucosylated by O-fut1 and fng in the EGF repeat domain inhibits both Serrate/Ser- and Delta/Dl-binding (PubMed:12909620, PubMed:10935637). O-glucosylation by rumi in the endoplasmic reticulum is necessary for correct folding and signaling (PubMed:18243100).PTM Ubiquitinated by Nedd4; which promotes ligand-independent endocytosis and proteasomal degradation. May also be ubiquitinated by Su(dx) and Cbl.DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE RNAi-mediated knockdown in the larval brain neuroblasts abolishes the expression of pnt, induces the ectopic expression of erm, results in the ectopic expression of Ase in type II neuroblasts (NBs) and their premature loss (PubMed:18342578, PubMed:23056424, PubMed:27151950). Simultaneous RNAi-mediated knockdown of pnt partially restores normal neuroblast numbers and inhibits ectopic erm expression (PubMed:27151950).SIMILARITY Belongs to the NOTCH family. Reactome //www.joaskin.com 黑腹果蝇 NCBI分类法 7227 UniProt P07207 链坐标 1767 平等的 2703 平等的 Reactome DB_ID: 177090 1 核浆 0005654 1767 平等的 2703 平等的 Reactome数据库ID Release 77 159111 数据库标识符。使用此URL连接到Reactome中的此实例的网页://www.joaskin.com/cgi-bin/eventbrowser?DB=gk_current&ID=159111 Reactome r -测距装置- 159111 1 Reactome稳定的标识符。使用此URL连接到Reactome中的此实例的网页://www.joaskin.com/cgi-bin/eventbrowser_st_id?ST_ID=R-DME-159111.1 9604939 Pubmed 1998 体内核通路与notch作用 Struhl G 足立, 细胞93:649-60 9651681 Pubmed 1998 果蝇胚胎中delta依赖的细胞内notch加工的间接证据 Lecourtois, M Schweisguth主管F 咕咕叫8:771-4杂志