BioPAX pathway converted from "BESTs transport cytosolic HCO3- to extracellular region" in the Reactome database. BESTs transport cytosolic HCO3- to extracellular region BESTs transport cytosolic HCO3- to extracellular region This event has been computationally inferred from an event that has been demonstrated in another species.

The inference is based on the homology mapping from PANTHER. Briefly, reactions for which all involved PhysicalEntities (in input, output and catalyst) have a mapped orthologue/paralogue (for complexes at least 75% of components must have a mapping) are inferred to the other species. High level events are also inferred for these events to allow for easier navigation.

More details and caveats of the event inference in Reactome. For details on PANTHER see also: Reactome DB_ID: 111627 1 cytosol GO 0005829 hydrogencarbonate [ChEBI:17544] hydrogencarbonate Reactome // ChEBI 17544 Reactome DB_ID: 425425 1 extracellular region GO 0005576 PHYSIOL-LEFT-TO-RIGHT 激活 Converted from EntitySet in Reactome Reactome DB_ID: 10006215 plasma membrane GO 0005886 我最好成绩(等离子体mbrane] Converted from EntitySet in Reactome. Each synonym is a name of a PhysicalEntity, and each XREF points to one PhysicalEntity BEST1 [plasma membrane] Canis familiaris NCBI Taxonomy 9615 UniProt A0A5F4DJ28 GO 0015106 GO molecular function Reactome Database ID Release 77 10006219 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome Database ID Release 77 10006221 Database identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Reactome R-CFA-2752067 1 Reactome stable identifier. Use this URL to connect to the web page of this instance in Reactome: // Many Cl- channels such as CFTR, ClC, CaCC, and ligand-gated anion channels are permeable to bicarbonate (HCO3-) which is an important anion in the regulation of pH. Many tissues, including retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), utilize HCO3- transporters to mediate transport of HCO3-. Bestrophns 1-4 (BEST1-4, aka vitelliform macular dystrophy proteins) have high permeability to HCO3- (Hu & Hartzell 2008). Defective BEST1 may play a role in macular degeneration in the eye due to impaired HCO3- and Cl- conductance (Hu & Hartzell 2008). 18400985 Pubmed 2008 Bestrophin Cl- channels are highly permeable to HCO3- Qu, Zhiqiang Hartzell, H Criss Am. J. Physiol., Cell Physiol. 294:C1371-7 inferred by electronic annotation IEA GO IEA